Past News

Vol. I No. 02 November 12, 2000
Weather: Kinda bright, then kinda dark Lucky Numbers: 01-11-42
Conspiracy and Mass Manipulation, or I'll shut up when I'm proven right.
Was the Shrine of Akira created by a mass underground conspiracy? Funny, how the Shirne's beilief's mirror other groups. Funny, how other groups such as ODEA come up with many of the same prinicpals and theories as our own. It seems that most of our members seem to beilieve that things are not what they seem. They seem to think that things are not right with our government and all seem to think something bad is soon about to happen. Sure this may all just be typical mass paranoid, but we have alot to be paronoid about...

For starters, not many people know that the United States of America no longer has any National Parks. All of our parks where GIVEN to the U.N. by President Bill Clinton. When did he do this, you ask yourself? The same day Monica got up on television to tell the world of the deeds we didn't care to know about. What else is there to be paranoid about? Ever noticed the loops in the roads around major cities? Why is there always a loop? Well, that's because at every few miles along that loop is an ARMY recuriting station. If worse came to worse, and a riot broke out, those stations could set up troops around the loop and seal off the city within minutes of the disaster. But then again, why do they need an excuse?

Now we've got an election that has no winner. As everyone bickers amonug themseleves over who's the next Pres, what is Bill Clinton doing? The news doesn't even mention him. If they can't pick a Pres, who takes over then? Clinton has served two terms. He can't stay in office, or can he? How many promises have been fullfiled? How many good things has he done? What is he doing now? Worst case scenerio, he might be taking away the money from the vets, he might disban our nuclear weapons, OR WORSE.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm just trying to make you all think. There is alot going on that no one understands, alot more that no one even wants to understand. Send me some of your consipracy theories, and I just might publish them in the next issue.
Members: 83
We are still slowly inching our way to 100. Is anyone still trying to get new members? Are you all still breathing? Sign them people up!!
The Computer of the Phoenix
Remeber the computer I was complaining about? The one I made the shrine on? Well, it passed away recently. I thought the hard drive had crashed, but it seems that it got a virus instead. Most of the files not backed up on disk, were destroyed. However, thanks to a few wonderful friends, I'm back on the Internet with and even better computer! I've gone from a 386 and Win 3.11 to a CompUsa work station with Win 98!! The Shrine can only get better from here...
Something new to meditate. This time a quote from me,

"Remove the Problem, and the Solution is evident."

Got some quotes or meditations of your own? Send 'em in!
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  • Anime Review: Ghost in the Shell
    This movie, based on the manga by Masamune Shiro, is great example of today's special effects put to use on an anime. The plot is loosley based on several of the Ghost issues but is mostly about showing off Major Kusanagi's body. Sounds a bit harsh? In the original manga, Kusanagi and her commrads are almost always doing battle from within the Fuchikoma battletanks that have NO PART IN THE MOVIE. Follow that up with some of the most emotionless dialog ever! The sad thing is that THQ's Ghost in the Shell Playstation game, uses the same voice actors, but they do a better job! The game is more like the Manga than this movie!! In fact, some scenes in the game look better than the one's used in the feature film! In all, I like this movie alot, but in comparison to a game made by alot of the same people, I can not give a good review. Watch it for the effects, not for the acting.

    This page is created and run by Jason Skaggs. All opinions expressed are his own. If you have any complaints, send them to

    * The Shrine of Akira * *