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Vol. II No. 06 Nov 5, 2001
Weather:A storm is coming, can you feel it?Lucky Numbers: 01-11-42

Here's what you've all been waiting for! Katrina, my daughter and the first born-in member of the Shrine of Akira. That's right, member AK0092!! I've been promising pictures, so here they are!!

Here's Katrina and her proud mom, "Pixie" (For some reason she doesn't want her name shown.)

For more pictures, click here: HERE

I'm sorry this update to the Shrine is so long in coming. With Katrina it's been a little bit more difficult to get them out, but I promise I'll have things back to normal soon. Until then, please bare with me.

I'm also sorry for any unanswered E-mails. That kinda goes with the "trouble finding Internet" thing. I'm doing my best to fix that too.

Anyways, I hape you enjoy all the new stuff to go through this month. I don't remember what got updated but I know there was abunch. I believe the most recent is the Rant page. That's going to be a fun one, heh-heh-heh.

Where have I been these past few months? Getting new members!! What have you done??
Well, I got another odd suggestion for this page... "Fear is the mind killer... fear is the little death that leads to total oblivion..."
"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" -Pinkie

Got some quotes or meditations of your own? Send 'em in!

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    Sorry, Folks, I just haven't had time to review anything this month. Just go watch Akira & Lain until the next issue.

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    This page is created and run by Jason Skaggs. All opinions expressed are his own. If you have any complaints, send them to akira_shrine@yahoo.com.

    * The Shrine of Akira * http://timegatekeeper.8m.com/akira *