Vol. V No. 1 ~ April 13, 2004

Welcome travelers, saints, destroyers, and wasters of time!

We face before us the dawning of a new era. As the nineth installment of the Shrine of Akira resurfaces from nearly two years of seclusion, we must now realise the consequences of our actions. For too long we have slept. Opportunites have passed us by and our followers have decressed in number. No longer can we document our membership. No more do we have the evidence of our rank. These are the dark days we had feared. Our battles shall not have been in vain. Those that came before us shall be forever remembered. Our holy white site is now black with the seeds of tarnish. We have been wounded, my friends. Not from some consipracy, but from ourselves. This is the time of the new age of Akira. Our war has now begun. Let those that stand before us fear what we have become...
~Jason Skaggs
EQUIPMENT To keep those of you who care updated, the Shrine of Akira's home information network is now established. No more home brewed, second hand equipment. Fully integrated with the Twisted_Soundlabs core computer system we are now up-to-date and ready for whatever challenges might await us. All hail the age of Akira. LOCATION Our offices are now located in Louisville, Kentucky. If you where not previously aware that we had moved, then you can consider yourselves now informed. If you wish to contact us for information or project discussion, all the necessary information is available via the Marr0w_Productions homepage. NECCESARY CHANGES Although the Shrine's official email address is still akira_shrine@yahoo.com, we request that submissions and other information please be carried out to the Marr0w_Productions address: marr0w@aol.com. If you do not recieve a reply within a week, then please re-send to the original address. We make this request so that we can process your information with the fastest possible methods available. Thank you for your cooporation.