Afro Samurai- Second impression 
Sunday, March 1, 2009, 11:36 PM - Xbox
Posted by fujikoma3x222
Once you begin to mesh and identify with the strange sort of world that Afro Samurai inhabits, you begin to appreciate the way the music goes with the visuals, among other things.

The controls aren't so bad, once you get to a high enough experience level you begin to get some wild combos and begin to understand the methods of making them work in the midst of a seemingly endless stream of bad dudes... And learning when to use over-focus to hack and slash mobs to pieces in a dashing whirlwind of madness.

There are interesting diversions along the way... The most important being to find the hidden clusters of crows in order to unlock the "Father's Legacy" moves and combos, which I never found useful, the most fun being "body part poker", in which you get a card for each head or limb that you chop off, the suit of which is determined by the enemy type for a maximum of three cards (I was quite happy with my Ninja Straight Flush, which unlocked the "No Limit Ninjas" achievement which is funny, think about it), and the most irritating being getting lost in the tower inhabited by the Empty Seven, which some of you more masochistic individuals might enjoy.

Perhaps what I like most is the environment, it really lends an element of beauty to what would otherwise be a sort of nasty bloodbath interspersed with evil three dimensional platform mazes (at first rather simple, but probably not as complicated as some other games of the same kind, I really don't have a lot of experience with these kinds of games) that involve paying attention and slightly maddening tests of reflexes and timing.

The environments, game-play, story and soundtrack come together nicely enough to outshine the awkwardness I felt playing it at first, which means I think it's worth renting at least (It was too short to advocate buying, though some of you might find some replay value in there somewhere). My one REAL bitch is that I think they should have attached a two-player death-match mode attached to the game, but perhaps they could be convinced to consider it.

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Early zombie warning system tested. 
Sunday, March 1, 2009, 09:44 PM - ZOMBIES!!
Posted by fujikoma3x222

For those of you who may be wondering about what kind of people live in Austin:,2933,484326,00.html

Here's to hoping they never catch the perpetrators... They probably won't try very hard, just make instructional videos on how to change the password, with hilarious results when some idiot forgets it and it isn't written down anywhere.
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Survival strategies for te Zombie apocalypse!! 
Sunday, March 1, 2009, 03:07 AM - ZOMBIES!!
Posted by fujikoma3x222
A surprising number of people that I've talked to over the course of my life have very serious plans in case of a massive zombie uprising... I was thinking a thread devoted to zombie apocalypse survival strategies might be an interesting way to pass the time, eventually make a list of possible strategies, which could possibly save the lives of you or your loved ones in unfortunate event of a zombie attack.

Strategies specific to a particular zombie type should note the cause of zombification, for example, whether they are the slower, shambling zombies, or the faster and more powerful zombies. causes of zombification include, but may not be limited to, sorcery, viral infection, bacterial infection, parasite (bugs, spiders, fungal, generally multi-cellular organisms (most fungi are multicellular)) infection, generally, anything that can be spread, although general catch-all strategies are preffered.

I like the idea of tubs filled with marbles or ball bearings... Pretty much puts them on the floor for a short period of time where you can take care of them at your leisure, just be careful not to slip on them yourself... Although, if the zombies don't pick their feet up even slightly, it could make things difficult, but if they charge full-tilt, then the fun begins.
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Doomsday version 1.9.0-beta-6  
Sunday, March 1, 2009, 01:31 AM - Rants, ZOMBIES!!, PC
Posted by marr0w
I am a huge fan of Doom. It came out at a time in which most people I knew couldn't afford a computer, and as such has always felt like it was some unobtainable goal for me. Since then I've become not only a bit of a fanboy, but a collector of various ports of the game and I constantly seek out media and information regarding the series going to the extreme of collecting and reading all the novels, the movie, and yes even the laughably bad comic book.

One of my favorite versions of Doom is the Doomsday Engine. An advanced port of the game made by the people at Doomsday HQ which allows for all sorts of upgrades and updates that with enough time and patience to set it up can easily rival most modern first person shooters while still retaining the feel of the original game.

When Snowberry came out (the engine's current front end) I was skeptical. But making good on it's promise it's allowed users to run the Doomsday Engine faster and easier with minimum fuss. However, since it's come out it feels like the quality of the engine itself has deteriorated. With the latest build support for external sound files seems to be completely shot to hell with a post on their own forums advising "DDay Beta 6 crashes with external music files."

Let's see what the official known bugs and issues thread has to say on the subject: "Status: Will not be fixed for Beta6. The Music code in beta5.x is completely broken and will only read Mus (the format the original Doom/Heretic/HeXen music tracks are in) files reliably. Any other format will very likely not work." Completely broken? Is this really something you want people to see in an UPDATE to the software you've been developing? Keep in mind that this is beta 6, not beta 5 making me wonder just how long the issue will go unresolved.

To make matters worse, upon installing it to my Vista laptop, I found an overwhelming drop in performance over the previous versions. In fact, it would seem to be so bad that the lag alone has me slamming into walls abruptly ON THE LOWEST SETTINGS MY COMPUTER WILL SUPPORT. On the whole, NOTHING seems to be updated at all in the newest release. I don't see any improvements over beta 5 and the already bad problems seem to have gotten WORSE. Only bitter, angry people who enjoy making others suffer would let out an UPDATE that didn't actually do anything but make matters worse. This is why people don't like using America Online.

Remember, newer isn't always better. Never update to a new version unless you have the previous one backed up. Hopefully the NEXT version might be worth all the hassles. At this rate, rolling back to a prior version might be a better step in the right direction...
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Afro Samurai- first impression 
Saturday, February 28, 2009, 08:21 PM - Xbox
Posted by fujikoma3x222
The intro cinematic scene caught my interest, but what followed after beginning a new game could best be described as awkward and too linear. Luckily by chapter 3 the stage design became more diverse and I actually stood a chance of blundering off a cliff somewhere, if only for brief periods of time. One thing I don't like about the way the battles are set up, strange barriers often prevent you from using your environment to its full potential. Speaking of the battle system, I am reminded of the newer ninja gaiden games, only without weapon diversity or upgrades. The only upgrades you get are from leveling up, and I don't believe your attacks actually get stronger from leveling, although it's hard to tell, as you aren't exactly greeted with specifics as to your gains when you achieve a new level.

I didn't encounter much of a challenge in battle until chapter 3, and then only during the boss battle... Once you get used to the rythm of the attacks, though, countering with a parry becomes easy, although the same could be said of any game. Still, by chapter 5 I am only mildly amused, and I wish I could smoke a fat bowl, which would probably render the game much deeper and profound, but sober I can only enjoy the game so much.

The music is ok, although at some points I'm like "Wow, that's really wicked!". Sometimes, though, the carpet clashes with the drapes (as far as the music is concerned). I understand it was based off of an animation, which likely renders it vulnerable to accidental sabotage from licensing agreements and deadlines (E.T., anyone?), but considering I think I'd seen adds years ago for the animation, I somehow doubt that was much of a problem.

The sound is alright, except for that part in chapter three where the Sword Master (Well duh, that's his name, not title... lol) starts the chapter with this old, gravelly voice, but once the action starts he sounds like a large black man with a severe case of roid rage. This was highly amusing, I just wish they'd made his appearance match his voice and scrapped the old man voice at the beginning (though I could have imagined the whole voice change thing).

The story is rather interesting, and I like the environments, but most of the characters are hard to get attached to, as most of them are either stone cold killers or die shortly after their introduction, Ninja Ninja is just a big shit-talker who hides when the violence starts, and Afro himself doesn't speak much... Hey, it costs big bucks to purchase Samuel L. Jackson's voice, although the stoic, silent type of main character does fit the story, and may or may not have been the character in the animation.

The controls are not good, but not terrible. To dash you have to push the left control stick in... Do I need to tell you how annoying it is to try and control a running character while pushing the control stick in?! It should have been LB or RB. The controls in Focus Mode (Which slows down time and allows you to perform perfect slices, as long as you aim them right and time them right, as well as deflect and split bullets) are hard to grasp, as you get so little focus time, and it takes a number of combos to build your focus back up, which isn't indicated by a gauge, but by the brightness of the tassle hanging from your sword.

I haven't gotten too far into the game, I'm guessing, but so far it leaves a lot to be desired, but certainly surprised me in certain areas, and like many games, will probably make up for its more awkward moments as I progress in the game.

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Left 4 Lol 
Saturday, February 28, 2009, 04:16 AM - ZOMBIES!!
Posted by fujikoma3x222
A short, slightly humorous cartoon about the AI in Left 4 Dead.
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Friday, February 27, 2009, 06:04 AM - General, ZOMBIES!!
Posted by fujikoma3x222
Zombies deserve their own section... At the moment, I am too drained to think of much else. I'll get back to this when I have some stuff written out.

I have some drunken, stoned out of my gourd rants I wrote down while pausing whatever game I was playing, but, I'll have to work a little harder than that. Some of those have absolutely nothing to do with what I was playing at the time, and a few are almost nonsensical... There is even one about the events leading up to the Tokugawa Shogunate, which was, oddly enough, inspired by Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon. I have yet to figure that one out.
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Attention Ladies and Gentlemen 
Friday, February 27, 2009, 01:30 AM - General
Posted by marr0w
This is an experiment. The end result will hopefully be a place where you can find reviews for games and some helpful information about them as well. If it fails, well... no harm done. Currently we don't have a name. We don't have a logo. With any luck these will all come soon. I hope this experiment grows into something good. So buckle your seat belts and come along, won't you?

Here's to the future.


Also: We need a name and a logo! (I might have mentioned that. Heh) Send your suggestions to
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