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Missing pieces

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Missing pieces

Postby RvDJ » Mon Jan 28, 2019 7:59 pm

Hello all!
Long time fan, and long time creep on the sites, so thought it was about time I join :) I'm wondering if anyone can confirm a few things for me or possibly help me fill in (black) holes in my collection.

I've been working on my puzzle collection for some time, but there are a few pictured on the back of the box that I have yet to see in the wild. I'm wondering if these were actually produced or possibly scrapped before they were released: Khufu, Hellin, Gevaudan, and Soul Ranger. It goes without saying that I am interested in purchasing these if you happen to have one :D

I also recall seeing a promo t-shirt on an eBay page a while back, but I could not confirm its authenticity with the seller. I am wondering if anyone has any info on these (if they are bootleg or just super rare promo items).

I also recall reading an article on one of the pages (years ago) about Nightmare jackets from an event held in Canada. I'm hoping someone might have the location of that article, or some info at least.

I have also been searching for the Atmosfear A&W poster for some time. I imagine these are pretty rough to come by, but maybe someone has an extra one?

IF you happen to have any other oddities I'd love to hear about them (even if you're not wanting to part with them, just sharing the info would be great), and if you can help me fill in any of the gaps that I mentioned then that would be awesome too! I'm planning on putting what I have on Gemr as a reference for everyone when I get the time and motivation, lol.

Thank you for any help, hoping the message boards might be able to "Thrill me!"
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Re: Missing pieces

Postby marr0w » Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:17 am

Welcome to the forums!

...I completely forgot there where puzzles. Hopefully someone else can answer those questions for you. If you can find a way to print it, I can link you to a large scan of the poster. (When we get the wiki replaced with the new theme that address will need to have the 2 removed from /wiki2/) I actually have access to an even larger version of the image if needed.

The funny thing is that I was just looking at the files for the poster earlier today as I was literally working to put together a bare-bones page for exactly the sort of stuff you're asking about. (More about the items than how to find them however.) If you end up with any of them, would you mind taking pictures? It'd be a big help with the wiki.

The biggest problem with collecting anything N/A related is time. The longer it takes the harder this stuff is to get. Most of the people with the rare stuff don't like parting with it. They really need to get an official merchandise store set up when the next game comes out. I'd happily make a Café Press site if I could get away with it, but I know how they feel about people making a profit off their IP and they've let us get away with a lot over the years.

...that said, would anyone want Well of Fears logos on things if they became available?
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Re: Missing pieces

Postby RvDJ » Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:26 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome!

I am definitely interested in both images for the poster if you are willing to send them? Still hoping to find a physical copy some day though.

I would be happy to provide photos of anything that we need for the wiki/site. I'll wait until everything is updated and then I can start filling in gaps :)

Time is definitely the enemy, but so is the limited information on a lot of the stuff. Hopefully we can help fight that one though at least :D

Official merch would be amazing if we could convince them to do that (Publish an official reference book, or re-release the original games on Bku-Ray? Yes, please!) I would definitely be interested in WoF merch too though. Just please don't release so much at once that I spend all of my money on it and can't finish out the rest of my collection ;)
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Re: Missing pieces

Postby marr0w » Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:48 pm

You should have a PM with the download link. Probably better we not make that link super public. I'm still rather annoyed we never got the Sourcebook they advertised in copies of the Harbingers. It was slated to have a comic book detailing the backstory of everyone in The Other Side as well as full profiles on everyone and alternate versions of the rules.

Honestly I'm surprised no one's thrown their hat into the ring and tried to make their own version.

We have a wiki if there's any volunteers!
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Re: Missing pieces

Postby RvDJ » Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:20 am

Hello again!

Thank you very much for the PM, I appreciate the help! :) Hopefully I'll be able to find the OG someday too!

I feel like I'm possibly a little blind, but where do I find the Wiki to see what we have so far and what we still need? Life is pretty crazy these days, but I would love to help with this if I can. ***EDIT: "Learn to read the other posts RvDJ!" "Lol, I'm sorry, got it now!"***<<<***EDIT THE EDIT: I should also learn to click the links before I say that I can see something, lol, got the 404 off of the wiki links on the other board. I did appreciate the JTHM reference, but I'm still not able to see the new wiki.***>>>

Do you think the creators would consider approving an "un-official" source-book through a Kickstarter campaign, depending on what info we can come up with for it? Maybe we can track down the script for the comic and complete it for the book? Just spit-balling, I'm definitely not an artist, but I'd be happy to write some material for it if needed. I know when I first started collecting in the 90s that aside from the site-group there wasn't a lot of info out there, and it still seems like we are IT! :D

Also a couple of random questions, is it legal for me to purchase DVD conversions off of eBay for games that I own a legitimate VHS copy of? Does anybody have good advice on getting a PAL or region free DVD player state-side so I can finally play Khufu? I've been considering some options on eBay, but trying to do this on the cheap if possible, lol.

On another note, is anyone aware of any fan-made Atmosfear/RapRat crossovers??? :lol:
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Re: Missing pieces

Postby DarkWolff » Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:40 pm

The wiki is here: ... =Main_Page
I'm not sure what link you clicked but I don't seem to get any 404 errors.

Phillip Tanner holds the IP rights for the franchise. He may be willing to be involved in an unofficial book but with the new game coming soon the rights may already been licensed out.

There are a number of region-free DVD/bluray players available on Amazon. Many of them are modded. Region-Free DVDs are often set to Region 0 which basically means all regions. Region-free Bluray players usually require use to swap the region using a code. The mod for this is usually software-based, so if you update at all you lose the capability.
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Re: Missing pieces

Postby Skulldoon » Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:09 am

I have started up the hunt for odds and ends pieces myself. Pouring through ebay every few days. I have only seen three of the puzzles so far. The Poster, Baron Samedi and Anne de Chantraine. Two of which are currently on ebay.

I did find this recently. Just waiting for to arrive.

Any continued updates for odds and ends items are appreciated.
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