Bounty Board

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The Bounty Board

As we introduced a bounty office, it only made sense to have a bounty board where hardened criminals could be written about. To make this more entertaining, here's a Bounty Generator which players are welcomed to use in creating NPCs to go after. No one has to use this. We just thought it'd be fun. Feel free to flesh these vile villains into more interesting NPCs.

Note Note: With the most recent update it is possible to generate the name of an actual character already played on the muck. Please don't use other player's characters without their consent.

Bounty Board



"Lucky" Felina Hawksmoor

A [REDACTED] year old female pony with brown hair and hazel eyes. Reportedly has a singularity where left nipple should be.
Suspect was last seen at the Integra's Arms Apartments.

Considered MILDLY DANGEROUS. Proceed with caution.

$3.50 reward upon successful capture.

Variables List

Bounties are generated using template pages which you can edit! Use the following guide to find the correct pages:

Crime: Wanted for...

Random Nickname/Title: Dr., Rev., "Angry"...

Male Names: Male First Names

Female Names: Female First Names

Last Names: Last Names

Age: A --- year old...

Species: What do we call it?

Hair Color: With --- hair

Eye Color: With --- eyes

Identifying Trait: Has ---...

Last Location: Suspect Last Seen At...

Threat Level: Considered ---. Proceed with Caution.

Reward: $--- reward upon capture!

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