2020-04-19 - Raining Skags.

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Raining Skags

Summary: An unfortunate convergence brings people at odds with odd creatures from Pandora

Who: Urus, Rayne, Rocket Raccoon, SilverSight, Theo
When: April 19, 2020
Where: Nowhereto Park

Rayne-icon.gifRocket Raccoon-icon.gifSilverSight-icon.gifTheo-icon.gifUrus-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

SilverSight finds himself chilling in the park, not having found this location before. He's nomming from a bag of popcorn while reading a book.

Urus is at the fountain, sitting on its edge and wiggling a finger in the water. The air is fresh from all the trees as the sun shines warmly on all those on this plane. a slight breeze blows through, rustling leaves and ruffling the hyena's fur, the scent of the freshly bloomed flowers of spring fill the noses of the more sensitive smellers. Other than the wind the park almost seems slient and peaceful.

Hey, there are trees here, right? There's a blond-haired human teen in one of them! He's leaning against the trunk of the tree, with one leg stretched out along a branch and the other dangling from same branch. And! Let's just address this -- most of the people here can see them anyway -- there's a handful of golden metal spiders located at various points along the tree. Some are wandering about, and some seem to be playing together! Theo himself, stretched out on the branch, seems to be sleeping.

Nearer to the lake, however, sits Rayne on a park bench. Her art supplies are on the bench next to her, and... look untouched. No, she doesn't seem inspired today. In fact, at the moment, she's just staring out at the lake. Possibly at the giant clothes iron of a building across it... but the slightly vacant look on her face suggests that she's barely aware of her surroundings. Perhaps she should have just been at home, taking a long rest today instead?

One figure that does not seem to be immediately present at the park is Rocket Raccoon. Out of the public eye not too far away from mind-throbbing calm and serenity of the center of the park, veiled only by the darkness of a taped-up cardboard box, sits the small mammal atop a huge chunk of metal with a screwdriver held sideways in his mouth. His fingers work on digging through the guts of some piecemeal electronic machine in order to twist wire ends together. There are a few sparks, but the result is communications chatter. Tuning a dial, the communicae changes voices similar to a radio, yet it's not. Is he spying on personal or private calls? Possible. He's extremely bored. The light of his eyes, so to speak, has dulled. Don't make Rocket bored. You wouldn't like him when he's bored.

SilverSight fiddles with his Pipbuck a little and it makes some noises. Some static.. speaking.. geiger counter.. no, that one. Some soft music being played will do. It was too quiet for his liking while he turns the page of his book. Monchmonch good popcorn. Needs butter.

Urus sighs a bit, he's been a bit bored too. though that boredom won't last for long as a large purple orb of swirling energy seems to form out of nowhere. The energy ball a few feet in the air and holding several similar creatures for 3 seconds before it dissapates. What is left is a pack of these quadrapedal creatures. numbering about 10, 3 of them are small, coming up to about calf high 4 more are a bit more than waist high for the average person, their horrid smell and red eyes not making them seem all that good to be around. two more are a bit larger still, very thick, seeming to be somewhere between muscular and plain fat. and then there's the one standing over them all, 6' at the shoulder the creature drips with green acidic goop from its verticall mouth and oozes out of the pores, the drips landing on the grass as said grass shrivels and dies within a second. the giant acidic badass belts out a low toned deafening call that seems between a roar and a howl as the head itself almost seems to be one giant mouth, seperating into a lower jaw and the two halves of the head. a long tongue wiggling from it as the pale inside can be seen of the caustic creature. Urus hyena pulls his gun and cocks it firing at one of the two fat ones only for a round to ping off the bony armor, the three smaller pups soon leaping upon him and snapping at the hyena as he's forced to the ground and protects his face with his arms.

The spiders see the creatures before Theo, and they all stop and stare. And then suddenly, as one, they all shrill, "MuRIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" and race back up the tree to Theo. Who wakes with a start! "What the...?!" He looks down to the creatures... and climbs further up the tree. Nope! That is a lot of nope down there!

Rayne seems completely oblivious to the goings on. Not a response at all to the energy ball, not response to the creatures emergence... Though, to be fair, she wasn't looking in that direction at all. The sound of the roar seems to be what snaps her out of her state of unawareness, though she more blinks and glances around in the general direction she was already facing. It's the sounds of the gunshots that finally get her attention properly, and she looks blearily over in the proper direction this time. She fumbles for her communicator before saying into it, "Hostile convergence in the park. Appears to be unintelligent beasts." She'll have to figure out what kind of bounty she should set for these things... but that would be determined by their danger level and - Is that Urus pinned down?! Okay, danger level is high. She finally stands up properly and draws both swords, sweeping them around and together to click together at their pommels, forming them into their bow form. She grabs an arrow from her quiver and nocks it to pull back and quickly fire at one of the smaller ones. Apparently she didn't notice bullets bouncing off of these things...

Another twist of the dial reveals some rather lewd noises. Breavy breathing accented by feminine moaning, Rocket's interest is suddenly piqued. He tries to clear up the gritty signal by adjusting another knob. Nothing happens. Pulling the screwdriver from his mouth, he pries the knob off and tightens the bolt beneath it, replaces the knob, turns it once more...and the speaker begins to pop as the volume kicks into full. Fumbling into a mad scramble to turn the volume down, the knob...doesn't work! "...va flark!" The sounds continue, only now they are punctuated by the knocking sound of the box-hidden raccoon beating the receiver with the back end of the tool in hand as a mighty roar from nearby blends in with raunchy noise.

While the entire debacle only lasts seconds, it sure feels like an eternity to the raccoon. Silence once again meets his ears; gunshots ring out immediately after things go quiet. "Wait a minute..." mutters the coon and fiddles with the broken dial to see if he can hear more. "Hostiles? Park? But va's..." A little flap in the cardboard on the side opens up and eyeballs peek through to see if anything can be noted in his field of view.

SilverSight's music is quickly interrupted by more static and screechy noises when a random portal opens up. He frowns and pokes his pipbuck a few times before he notices the creatures appearing and pouncing on a shootyeena. Well he's lunch. A notice of the color the biggest one gives off and how the ground sizzles under it. Acid. Probably not good to attack with it then. His magical energy pistol is drawn and he pops out the general disintigration talisman and replaces it with a fire-based one. That should do. He activates his pipbuck's S.A.T.S. and targets the three pups, firing a shot at each one.

The Hyena yells in pain as the three smaller ones start biting at him. one goes for a good chomp before silversight's energy pistol lets loose the beam finding the soft open maw and the heat soon turning the one to ash rather quickly. the second bites down on the hyena's leg the hybrid trying to shake it off as an arrow flys out and smacks it square in the neck it letting go and crying out in pain. its not dead but its definately not looking good, the third latched onto the hyena's arm as he tries in vain to tear it off, his claws not working on the bony back plates. the combat though gets the attention of the others, some going for civilians as an adult charges rayne and one of the larger chubbies runs after silversight, being slower but bigger and probably stronger. the acid dripping badass roars out orders to its pack as the raccoon sees a person running their way only to get hit with the basketball sized globule of acid from the skag, that acid quickly eating away at the skin and flesh as they scream out in utter agony.

There's not a whole lot Theo can do either way -- he's treed and has no weapons. Besides, any weapon big enough to hurt these things is probably too big for him to handle. He's a pretty typical teenage boy. Maybe a little taller than average, but that's about it.

On the other hand, he has ways to at least TRY help the others. Now that he's awake again, the spiders are under his control, so they don't show fear -- that's his privilege! That also means he can send the tiny, quarter-sized spiders down into the fray! That said... what can they really do, being the size of a quarter?

I'm glad you asked!

See, individually they may be small, but they are many. From his place in the tree, Theo sends out ALL of them. ALL FIFTY OF THEM. Hopefully no one here is arachnophobic. His mouth opens, and the little golden things start climbing out quickly to join their brethren.

They make for the smaller creatures first -- Theo's seen that one sci-fi movie where the little one-man fighters defeat the big four-legged transport enemy mechs by tying up their legs! And that's what the spiders are going to try to do -- tangle up the legs of one of the smaller creatures with their golden, wire-like threads.

There is a chance, in fact, that these things may not even be able to SEE the spiders, even. Only people capable of things their species deems 'paranormal' are generally able to see them, and a lack of sapience usually means a lack of awareness! Theo's counting on that, at least, since he has no direct means of attacking.

Soon a civilian gets hit with acid! So Theo sends about ten of the spiders to start heading in the direction of the person who's hurt. It'll be a few moments -- these things are tiny and don't move super-fast, but they'll get there. So far everyone seems reasonably healthy -- aside from the hyena-man, and he's at least still alive -- so this person who is dying is a priority.

Rayne grimaces as the arrow only makes the beast cry out rather than taking it out. A shot in the neck and it doesn't look taken down? She nocks another arrow and... Oh crap, bigger one coming her way! She looses the arrow in its direction before grabbing both handles of her bow/swords properly again and pulling them apart. She fully takes on a defensive stance as it charges her, aiming less to make a traditional strike so much as using its own momentum to impale the thing. Yeah, the swords are more designed for slashing than stabbing, but they do still have points. "Not good, not good," she mumbles with a grimace.

The cardboard castle suddenly accelerates upward and twin thrusters can be seen at its base responsible for the sudden flying. The receiver is left behind on the ground, but there is no trace of the box's inhabitant or the metal he was perched upon. That is, until the reveal. The carboard is lifted away to expose the fuzzy creature wielding a junkyard masterpiece rifle twice as long as he is tall and about as thick as a barstool is wide. Stupid in size compared to the one holding it, this weapon is brought up to bear during the parabolic arc just before the apex. The thrusters built into the raccoon's metal boots cut off and, for the moment, the grinning furball aims for the largest target he can during this 'slow motion hang time' that doubles as an introduction.

                     Rocket Raccoon -----> <----- Blam! Murdered Ya!

The trigger on the Photon-Assisted MASER is squeezed in order to release a destructive stream of intensely amplified microwaves -- all with the addition of collimated light so that the wavy stream is visual -- while the force of the blast alone is enough to visually slow the descent of the airborne attacker. Does it even hit, though?

SilverSight gets at least one of the little buggers at least, and the hyena seems to be getting better if he can get that last little dog thing off him. But now the pony has troubles of his own as he gets one of the bigger ones after him. He'll start running from the thing, taking shots back at the creature as he goes. Then he hears a large BLAM! nearby. That sounded familiar. He'll head towards the flying raccoon with the oversized gun, because the safest place to be around that one is behind him. Sometimes, "Hi Rocket! Haven't seen you in a while!"

Urus digs in his claws into the pups mouth and pries it open at the cost of those teeth tearing into his skin as he finally dislodges the pup throwing it to the side. as it lands and gets up preparing to attack again though the wounded one is back at Urus' ankle as he sands . "sonova..." he grits finding his gun once more and putting a bullet where Rayne put the arrow, allowing it to go through and the red blood seeping into the grass. Speaking of, Rayne's blades in defense are right where they need to be. The adult leaps and opens its maw. one of the blades finds their way straight down the creature's throat, the other slicing into the chest as the drool from its maw slathers raynes right arm and a bit of blood on her left. the creature however stops moving as it hist the ground. it seems their internals are nowhere near as protected as the outside. the tiny golden spiders make their way over and as the final pup is about to spring foward it faceplants its front legs seemingly tangled up by the spin doctors. meanwhile the others are able to layer their protective strings over the wounds, slowly stopping the bleeding and sealing the injury. they're going to need more medical care later this should keep that one alive. one of the adults though looks up at Theodore, and lets loose its own vomit, not the same level of corosion as the biggest one but the flying debris of screws, bolts and even a wrench are nothing to scoff at he finds himself with half a second to dodge. Rocket's badass entrance is met however with reality as his jetpack stutters for half a second causing his aim to be off the mark by a signifcant margin. the Super powered weapon beam finding the fountain itself shaving off the top portion entirely as water sprays everywhere. unfortunately for him the badass has taken notice and charges towards the flying raccoon. the pony himself is able to keep distance. Rocket's appearance distracting him enough that his shot goes entirely wide as well his impacting the brand new jet of water as hot steam fogs the battlefeild.

Urus made a mistake, when youre logging please read the ooc and change it....

Rayne pulls her blades out and flicks them free of viscera before connecting the blades together again. She then proceeds to shudder before quickly casting her cleaning spell on herself and said blades. Nooooope nope nope nope. These things are beyond disgusting and she does NOT want their entrails on her when she continues to fight. Seriously, they're almost as bad as the xenomorphs! Actually, she thinks the big one might /be/ that bad. Does she attack just yet? No. "Need backup in the park immediately!" she calls into the communicator. No, it's not that she doesn't have confidence in the others here... it's that she's already seen some civilians get caught in the crossfire. And the fountain. That got a wince out of her.

Half a second? That's not really enough time for Theo to get out of the way, except to jump out of the tree. Which he does, since he's got no choice. Fortunately he does know a little about tucking and rolling, so it'll be with slightly less than bone-breaking force. Unfortunately he's now down on the ground, which puts him at even MORE of a disadvantage! Particularly since half a second is not enough for a human being to get their whole body out of the way. So as he tries to stand up... his leg goes out from under him.

The right leg of his pants is missing from about the knee down, the skin there is starting to sizzle, and there's an imprint of something that slammed into the back of his leg. He's gonna have a time of it now -- on the ground, mobility cut by whatever slammed into his leg...

So of course Theo starts spinning himself some armor! The spiders that aren't dealing with the injured return to him, crawling up his body to start spinning a thick covering of the golden threads over his body as fast as they can. He stands up so they can get to wher they need to.

Rocket Skates fire one last time to make the raccoon's landing less jarring. The ludicrous weapon is hoisted high, swung around, and brought to level with the beast so much larger than he is charging him down. Tracking with no need to lead with a weapon that fires EM radiation, the small fellow plays the game of chicken awaiting the perfect shot. However, the image of Theo on the ground directly in his line of fire beyond the badass corrosive skag sparks a sudden variation in tactic. The plan is to wait until the last possible moment to act: a hand reaches to his belt and removes a handful of items that he tosses onto the ground before his boots fire and he side-flips forward in an attempt to grab one the beast's armored spines for a rough ride. Caltrops? Well, these 'caltrops' have little blinking red lights and tend to explode when stepped on.

SilverSight does not like the look of blinky red lights. Those usually means bad things. He veers away from the crazy stripetail and will see about finding himself a tree to get some cover behind, continuing to shoot at the tubby thing chasing him, "Oh just fry already! I'm not THAT tasty-looking, am I?"

Urus chuckles at the little pup that seems to be down, raising his foot up high and stepping down hard on the creature's head as it squirms for a second before it stops moving. The phoenix is however able to clean herself up, seeing another chubby out there working on chasing down a defenseless catgirl! "Closest unit is still 3 minutes out. hold tight." dispatch tells the cheif. well, reinforcements are coming though it might be a bit too late for most of this. speaking of, the chicken manuver Rocket tries seems to work as he narrowly avoids being eaten alive, though the creature does step on one or two of the caltrops, which not only hurt, but explode. quite violently at that, tearing the front left leg off in a fine mist. blood pours from the leg but the creature while it roars in pain still looks pissed and more than ready to fight. The creature rears back as the raccoon gets on, though just below those spines is oozing the highly caustic liquid, he'll need to be highly careful not to touch it otherwise he could have an issue. The pony has had even more luck as the creature closes the targeting is exact, putting a beam right into the head. it too rears back though that exposes the underbelly which allows the pony to hit it and burn a hole straight through it to the armor, evaporating internal organs in the process as it falls to the ground dead. Silver would notice the final two adults together sprinting toward Urus, the hyena unaware. The spinner is ok, its mostly the junk that causes the damage, the acid itself unlike its bigger counterpart stings a little but is as dangerous as vomit normaly is, the rank smell is the biggest issue. nausiating at the least. Theo is able to protect himself with his weave as the skag looks ready to pounce, armor or not, it wants what's inside.

Not to worry, Rocket -- Theo's going to be getting out of the way as quick as he can, whether he realizes he's in the line of fire or not. He needs some cover, and being in the middle of the fighting isn't conducive to that. So he's going to limp to the treeline, now covered by an 'armor' of woven golden strings.

He doesn't get far, though, before one of the skaggs pounces on him -- limping isn't exactly the best way to get away fast! The armor is incredibly tough, but also pliable. So punctures from the teeth will be protected from. Bite force, howver... that's a whole other kettle of fish!

These things are way too strong for him to just kick off him. But now that he's covered in armor, Spin Doctors can work on other things. Like wrapping up the skagg that's trying to eat his face! So sure, it looks pretty bad for him to be curling up on the ground, but there are golden spiders furiously spinning a coccoon around the skagg's head!

Rayne yells back into her comm, "Seriously? No one is closer than three minutes to the park?!" But that's all she has time for now. She takes a deep breath, then immediately regrets it because dad skaag right there. After she coughs, she nocks another arrow and picks a target. Okay, raccoon with overpowered gun is dealing with the big one. Two on Urus, one on the... guy with spiderweave armor? She picks fast, and decides to help the one unaware of the threat. One, then two arrows, one aimed at each. "Behind!" she calls out after the first arrow is loosed. She really hopes she didn't choose poorly... the guy in spiderweave armor doesn't seem to be doing so well.

The Badass Skag may not be a tree, but Rocket has many exhaustive years of learning how to grasp onto and move about larger creatures. The armored spines on the beast only make it easier! "Come on, you krutacking pile of Faesirf Bodyfilf," he taunts. Tossing the rifle aside onto the ground, quarters far too close to use it effectively, he instead opts to remove his electrified knife and switch it on before stabbing. Not just anywhere does he aim; no, the small scrapper aims for the neck. Stab, stab, stab, for as much as he can amidst the rodeo. He may not be able sever the spinal cord, if it even has one, but maybe he can -- flark it! -- use the dagger as a handle to steer the beast into a more advantageous direction? Crazy.

SilverSight has racked up another kill for his pipbuck to keep track of. How the hell it knows what a 'Skag' is or their different development levels are is still something he hasn't figured out. Let's see, what's next.. Rayne is helping Urus, Rocket is having fun with his new mount.. and someone's being wrapped up in.. spiders? Okay that's weird. But he doesn't seem to have any offensive capability, so the pony will shoot red hot magic lasers at the one assaulting him.

Urus ducks as two arrows fly straight at him, though that means they fly true to their targets each of the skags getting an arrow in them both reeling in pain from the arrow in their chest, not a killshot but a still good marksmanship that leaves them wounded and vunerable. the hyena nods to rayne before unleashing his own firepower. the bullets of his smg finding the joint of one of them to finish what Rayne started. and make mincemeat of the organs inside. the bites were never meant for crushing though it does flex its mouth around the spider armored combatant, attempting to swallow him whole! though thats not going to work as it paws at its head and backs away as the tiny spiders mess with its eyes and is keeping its maw from opening all the way in fact theyre almost tying it shut as it backs off seeming scared almost now. as it paws and paws before it collapses, skags dont have nasal passages, you tie its mouth shut, it suffocates. a kill for the unarmed web spinner. that gives silver the chance to help the civilian fleeing. his shot hits burning and melting part of the back armor, not doing as much damage as he would have hoped but it stops and turns to defend itself, allowing the catgirl to sprint away on all fours. which then leaves rocket who's target roars at the stabs and turns at his command another stab causing the badass to unconciously launch a glob of its caustic spit at the remaining adult, the bone armor melting quickly as the creature cries out in pain for half a second before it falls down in a half melted mess. just leaving the one chubby.

Theo is suddenly free of an attacker, so he chances a peek up, as the skagg that had been trying to swallow him falls down. He looks at the scene, taking mental stock of the others. Most seem like they're more or less still healthy, so Theo heads over to the civilian that his spiders had been working on. Now that he can concentrate specifically on that civilian, he moves the spiders to begin replacing the tissue more properly, calling spiders from the field to start helping. It might be of disturbing, watching the tiny golden spiders crawl around, over, and INSIDE the wounds of the injured civilian. But the melted tissue appears to be being replaced, so there's that. Hopefully the acid cauterized the wounds it made, because blood loss isn't something he can fix...

If Rayne hadn't already met Theo, she'd be really, really worried about that civilian right now. But you tend not to forget about the guy that summons healing spiders from his mouth. That means just one threat left. She has a moment to collect herself. Finally of a mindset where she can properly concentrate on the battle at hand, she draws back the bow with another nocked arrow and holds it for a moment. The arrowhead starts to glow red-hot before she lets the arrow fly. She's charged the arrow with a firebolt spell! It'll make the arrow shatter into a small explosion when it hits... hopefully it'll hit the creature. Hopefully the arrow will pierce enough that the explosion will be internal.

The raccoon has no idea how he's driving the thing, only that he somehow is. Wiggling the knife like a joystick, he tries to get the three-legged charging hulk to rampage in a circle to bring it by another pass at where those mini-mines were, marked by a bit of cratering. This should put him around where he ditched his rifle so he can recover it. Knuckles aching from the one-handed control as he clings in the most awkward way possible to avoid the corrosive leakage, he picks his course and leans back to bring his metal boot down hard onto the end of the knifehandle (perhaps it works like cruise control?) before flipping off the skag while flipping off the skag. Rocket Raccoon -- making every fight a space bar fight in the most classy way possible. Hoisting the deceptively heavy piece of machinery, Rocket tries for baked skag pie, take two. "If you'uh so krutacking 'ungry, eat some a'vis!"

SilverSight has the last chubby in his sights with it's back armor partially destroyed. No eating catgirls in this neighborhood! You wanna go down to the red light district for that sort of thing. His pistol goes pew pew a few more times at the now defensive creature to see about putting it down.

The chubby roars a bit taking a beam to the mouth before rayne's arrow finds the weakend armor and blows it clear in half. leaving the injured bleeding badass whom is lead around but collapses just before the spikes, the raccoon able to aim but has a second to realize the beast is no longer resisting, breathing heavily, acid still dripping and blood flowing its almost as if its been... tamed? the hyena nods to everyone. "thank you for the help." he says. "I probably wouldnt have made it without you." he says holding onto his bleeding arm with a wince. the civilian is slowly healed as they seem greatful despite the spiders weirdness. and of course... thats when Rayne's backup arives with four officers darting onto the scene.

And finally backup arrives -- hey, better late than never, right? Urus's words get a wave of Theo's hand. "I'm better at after-catastrophe cleanup... I'm just sorry I couldn't help more." Theo's sitting beside the civilian, though he's probably mostly got what he can fix, fixed. So he asks the rest of the group, "Is everyone okay? I can stitch you up if not." The spiders are still there, after all!

Rayne lets out a sigh of relief as everything seems to have calmed down. She then shoots a glare to the four officers arriving... at the same time. "Really?! What, did you meet up together before coming in?" she snaps at them. She then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in, then out. She opens her eyes again then tiredly says to Urus, "Glad you're okay."

Rocket's murderous desires falter for a moment, but he doesn't put his gun down. No, he keeps aim at the last monster. Just in case. If somebody wants to keep it, they're going to need to patch it up and get a prosthetic leg. Oh, Rocket wants his knife back, too. Sniffing at the air, "So, anybody calling dibs on Greenie ovuh 'ere? Beh'uh do somefing quick, if so." It's nice that everybody can be put at ease so quickly after a fight. Not Rocket. He lives for this kind of thing. Give him a reason -- any justifiable reason -- to pull the trigger. Open offer. "Good fing you made it, mate. Fought I was going t'av t'carry you to a doctuh." That's a funny image, isn't it?

SilverSight does have to go around to check each of these.. 'skags' to make sure they're actually dead before he can calm down more. No idea what to do with the one Rocket has managed to befriend though. Put it out of it's misery or.. maybe the city could keep it for study or something. He'll be sure to make sure local civilians are okay too.

Urus nods to rayne though seems to stay away from any and everyone while he breathes. not wanting to bleed on anyone. "Hey rocket." Urus calls, "You got a new freind, why don't you keep him." the hyena chuckles. the rest of the civilians managed to get away safely so other than the catgirl needing help straightening a bit of her fur its just urus and theo who took any significant hits. "no mam, happy coincidence." one of the officers tells Rayne. "We'll get statements and help people out." he says. Urus smiles at the spinner. "hey, you did great. at least youre alive better than some in your situation."

"True," Theo admits to Urus's questioning. He'll send some spiders Urus's way and they'll try to start healing his wounds, if he's okay with that. It feels a bit itchy -- they'll be spinning threads -- from their mouths, actually -- and then sticking the threads to the edges of the wounds. Once the thread touches the wound, it'll be trying to take on the properties of the skin it's stuck to, trying to replace the skin. So they're literally spinning new skin and muscle in place of the old. Though the fact that they're spiders and have to crawl around the wound might be a little upsetting. If Urus shakes them off, it'll be understandable.

Rayne sighs and facepalms. No, not out exasperation, for once. It's instead to try to keep herself calmed down when dealing with her officers. "We don't need statements. It was a beast attack, it's clear what happened. The collateral damage was regrettable, but frankly, I've seen worse and Medical Machinima will have it fixed in less than an hour, more than likely. Don't traumatize the civilians worse by making them describe it again." All that is said through gritted teeth. This was supposed to be her day off.

Exhaling deeply in an exasperated sigh, Rocket lowers his weapon. "Fine. Fine! Somebody call a xenobiological ve'erinarian. I can at least make it a leg if it doesn't bleed out first, but vis fing melts /stuff/. I 'ave nowhere a'keep," pause, "him." He then proceeds to mutter a string of galactic expletives under his breath as he casually hefts the rifle over a shoulder and begins walking toward the hyena. Good going, Rocket. Help blow up some monsters and wind up with an extra mouth to feed that'll eat anything. Just wait until he finds out the mouth is also the butt!

"Least any a'you could do is buy me a drink. 'Cept you, Urus. I'll buy YOU a drink, because I made vat offer already. And it'll 'elp wif va pain. ...bloody 'ell, vey got you good. Rough lookin', innit." Rocky pulls out a small spray bottle and doesn't seem all that bothered about the hybrid's bleeding. "'old still and let me put some o'vis on you. Strong saline'll dissolve it latuh, but it'll glue your wounds shut for now. Might sting a bit, but-" And then spiders interfere with his trying to make up for a bad parting days ago. "Flark! What now?!"

SilverSight goes to discover that his bag of popcorn was a victim of the skag attack. Noooo! One of the bastards ate it all when nobody was looking! He's tempted to shoot one or two of them some more, but will refrain. No need to take vengence on the dead.

Urus allows the spiders to do their work. "You may want to disinfect your micro machines before you put them anywhere near you. just in case. you wouldnt want to end up like me." he warns. He takes rockets head in a headlock and gives him a quick noogie. "that is what I needed more." he says defiantly to the smaller merc. "well if you were not enough of a badass before, riding that into battle would be a massive improvement to your intimidation." he says.

"Ah, sorry," Theo offers sheepishly as Rocket comes forward with a spray bottle. "They're mine. Not trying to butt in, sorry." Though the spiders rather comically flail their front legs at Rocket, with DX expressions and a squeaky little 'MuRIIIIIIIII!' Theo lets the armor he'd been covering himself with fizzle -- and it does exactly that, giving a soft electric-sounding crackle before it disappears from around him -- and steps forward, toward Urus. "Stop being rude," he scolds the spiders.

And he nods to Urus's words. "Thank you for the warning, sir," he returns. "I'll do that. Particularly since I have to put them away in my mouth." Spiders... in his MOUTH? That may or may not be weird for others to hear (aside from Rayne, who already knows).

Rayne sighs and walks away from the too little, too late backup. "I think I need a drink myself." Yes, she overheard that Urus found he was contagious. Right now, however, she just doesn't know how to deal with that. So she's instead playing like she didn't hear it. She can only deal with so much at a time, and lately that amount hasn't been very high. "Glad everyone's okay," she says to the group, then looks down at the still living acidic creature. "...It's still breathing."

Rocket looks a bit disturbed in how anybody could be comfortable allowing spider things to just...do that kind of stuff. He's not afraid of spiders. If you ask him, he's a super cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything! This earns Urus a wrinkle-muzzled look at first, next taking the time to make a face back at the spiders all 'grr' and a little bit of 'pbthhhh', but then his obscenely heavy rifle falls to the ground when he gets attacked by a headlock noogie. And it's HARD to keep a raccoon in a headlock. "Ack, hey, what va-" He looks quite shocked at this at first. "Watch va -- va d'ast fur!" He's being loud for the sake of being loud now. If he planned on biting, it likely would have happened nigh-instantly. "And I'll fink abou' it, but it's going a'need 'ealing soon, if so. And a...collar? Harness? Somefing?!"

"...and I'll 'ave you know I'm already very intimida'in' on me own..."

SilverSight eventually joins the group and inspects one of the spiders curiously. He gives it a few pokes with a hoof before glancing up to the be-noogied Rocket, "When you carry weapons that size around, it definitely helps. How do you even carry something that large?"

Urus nods though does give theo a mild sideways look, well, twisted is just plain weird, so are the denizens. "yeah, Rocket seems to have tamed it, I aint taking it, need a police dog... or whatever the fuck it is?" he asks. if rocket doesnt want it than someone else can take it right? Urus chuckles. "alright everyone, I think we need a congratulatory drink To the usual, Rocket gets the drinks and I'll get the snacks. We'll make it a party." he says.

One of the spiders flails a bit more at Rocket, with his 'pbthhhh' look, but skitters away nonetheless. The 'grrrr' probably scared it. And then SilverSight is poking at another with a hoof, earning him a happy-sounding, 'MuRIIIII!' and a poke back. It's like a fistbump! Except neither one of them has a fist!

The mention of Rocket 'taming' the critter? "Oh, uh... no, I don't really think I can use a... whatever it is," he declines. "But if someone else wants to keep it, I can stitch it up. Otherwise... well, maybe putting it out of its misery would be a good idea."

Urus's mention of food gets a nod. "That sounds like a good idea," he agrees. "I can pitch in a little -- I have a bit of cash." He busks, so he does have a little bit of money to his name.

Rayne scoffs. "I am /not/ using that thing as a police dog. I think it would /eat/ suspects! It's even more feral than that Xenomorph Kotal tried to tame." Clearly she didn't like that idea. The idea of a party, however, seems to get more traction with her, judging from her slightly tilted head and upward glance.

"Because I'm a krutacking beast. I'm Rocket and va's enough reason. I am a Guardian aftuh all." At least, that title seems to mean more now even though it carries far less weight. "Besides, I built it meself, like most a'me fings." While the MASER Rifle may not be as heavy as the Ion Cannon Rocket has boasted about to Urus before, it's still a good ~200 pounds / ~90 kilograms or so. It's a very heavy thing. The raccoon points at Silver Sight. "Oi, Urus, ask HIM about me Ion Cannon. He's seen it before." He's talking about that crazy weapon he had that was cutting through a building trying to save that kidnapped guy from that lizard robot and army. The fight wound up so bloody and violent that Fluttershy didn't leave her house for weeks.

"I'd love a party, mate, but I 'ave t'collect me fings from ovuh yonduh and see what to do about..." A broad gesture to the skag, "Vat fing. Seriously, it needs 'ealing. Bet it might melt your spider fings, vough, eh mate?" A deft squirm can easily pop himself free from any grip still held on Rocky. He looks at his can of foaming glue and then to the skag, sighs, and begins walking toward it. "Flark me... If I get ate, it's your fault." Wouldn't be the first time he's had to fight out of something that ate him, truth be told. "And 'ow many times I gotta tell you, Urus, vey don't charge at va Usual, but vey ain't as good as some uhvuh places. Still, waitin' a meet vis Rayne you mentioned before when we's talking about people t'date. Does she like short guys?"

SilverSight seems quite pleased with the spiders and will allow them to go about their business. He does have to facehoof when he's reminded of that Ion Cannon, "Please tell me you didn't bring THAT monstrosity here from Neo Tokyo. There's no point in saving the city if you destroy it in the process.."

Urus smiles at rayne. "hey, its probably trainable, unlike the xeno." he says. as to rocket's mention. "hey, I've been away for a while alright. thats new." he says. "They charged me before." he says. he might have been drunk and broke somthing too but... thats not the point. the creature seems to wince a bit as rocket heals it a little but its large dripping tonuge comes out, an almost radiation green. Urus rolls his eyes at rocket. "Well why don't you ask her." he says motioning to the rainbow haired cheif of police. "I think though the awnser is no." he says "do I have that right? no time for dating?" he asks rayne.

Theo tilts his head. "Well, if you do want me to heal it, I can," he offers. "I think it'll be all right. Stands don't seem to be affected by a lot of normal stuff, from what I've seen." He'll send a few spiders over to the thing, standing by for now. But they're going to be ready to spin some threads around its mouth.

Not to close it completely -- he remembers the one that suffocated -- just to make sure it can't open its mouth wide enough to eat Rocket! Though he doesn't do it NOW, he just has them standing by in case the thing tries anything.

Though then Rocket starts talking about Rayne, if she likes 'short guys'... and he starts to snicker. Uhoh. Hopefully he won't have to heal Rocket here in a moment or two...

Rayne sideglances at Urus. "No, Rayne's not so much into short guys. Or furry ones, for that matter. Or so I hear." She then shakes her head. "And you'd be correct on that. No time, among all the other difficulties." She's not taking this nearly as poorly as Theo apparently thinks she would have. She's just not into those completely covered in hair. Or short guys.

"I like big guns and I cannot lie," replies Rocket. There you go. "But, no, it got left be'ind when I wound up 'ere. Were damaged in vat fight and nevuh got it working fully since." As for spiderific help, Rocket shrugs, "Go for it. I'm quicker van it. Can you, like, reconstruct vat entire leg wot got blowed off or am I still going a 'ave t'make a new one?" Then, suddenly, a distraction. "Oh, va's Rayne!" Rocket turns his back to the skag and tries to put on his charming face, you know, amidst the carnage and post-chaos. Yep, that's Rocket in a nutshell. "Allo, love! You 'ave a very chroma'ic taste in self-expression. Sorry t'ear you don't much care for me type, but let me emphasize, wif extra emphasis on va 'size' part o'va word, vat it ain't a nega'ive quali'y. More so a mah'uh o' differing perspective; you see, small fings come wif-" For flark's sake, somebody interrupt him!

SilverSight also lacks another dating option himself it seems. Oh well. Maybe next time. The pony's horn glows and Rocket's tail picks up and stuffs itself into the rodentia's mouth helpfully, "Okay, that's enough of that out in public. Save it for the bar at least when you've had a couple dozen drinks in you."

Urus chuckles and nods at rayne though frowns a little at the no fur bit. darn, that was gonna be his next attempt, well two down, many to go. Urus stands in front of rocket. "just stop, she said no. She's being nice because she's cheif and has standards, I don't. Do not push it." he says knowing the Pheonix can stand up for herself but... he does care about Rayne in a capacity that is not unlike a good freindship. the spinners seem to do good work as the bleeding has stopped and is even being put back together, the drooling creature seeming ready for the next thing to do after a little.

Theo nods to Rocket's question of being able to reconstruct the beast's blown-off leg. "I think so, yeah," he replies. He'll send a handful of spiders to make a try of it. And if there are any pieces of the leg still around, the spiders will start pulling them towards where they're working on replacing the leg. It'll take a little while, since this is a big beastie, and most of the leg is probably completely gone except for small bits and chunks.

He snickers a bit at SilverSight's solution to stopping Rocket from saying dirty things to Rayne. "Careful. I've heard girls don't like it when you lay it on too thick," he cautions the raccoon. "Oh right... my name's Theodore Rabanne. 'Theo' if you'd prefer." This he offers to the group at large.

Rayne deadpans, "It's my natural hair color." She then facepalms as Rocket starts going into trying to convince Rayne in a lewd manner. "I've got no problems with negative, for the record." Why is it the only people that have ever expressed anything remotely resembling interest in her are either completely not her type or have a literal soulmate? "I appreciate the party invite, but I think I probably should... go home and collapse on my couch for a while." No, she is not in the mood to deal with a drunk Rocket right now. She's warily looking at the recovering skag. There is no way that will end well.

Tail to mouth, what madness is this? And then everybody ganging up on him? Rocket shrugs, arm held out to each side. "Okay, okay. No worries. Can't blame a bloke for trying. I 'ope you all 'ave a good time and all. We'll get drinks latuh, but, like I said, gotta get me effects and see what I can do wif Arsebreaf 'ere." As he already stated, he has things to do and can't go drinking right now. Not now. "Besides, I'm sure va Chief o' Police would appreciate an upstanding and honorable denizen and protectuh such as meself escorting vis big crittuh outta public space. When I can. Some'ow." He'll have to think fast, but can't do that if he's busy boozing it up.

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